To unregister a database server from Plesk:

1. Go to Tools & Settings > Database Servers.
2. Select the checkbox to the right of the database server’s hostname.
3. Click Remove.
4. Confirm the operation and click OK.

To unregister a database server that has databases or is assigned as default for hosting customers' databases:

  1. Delete databases from the database server:
    1. Go to Tools & Settings Database Servers.
    2. Click the host name of the database server that you wish to unregister from Plesk.
    3. Select the checkbox in the upper left corner of the list to select all databases.
    4. Click Remove.
    5. Confirm removal and click OK.
  2. Make another database server default:
    1. Click the Database servers shortcut in the path bar at the top of the screen.
    2. Click the host name of a database server that you wish to make default. This should be of the same database server type (MySQL or SQL Server) as the one you are going to delete.
    3. Click Preferences and select the Use this server as default for MySQL checkbox. If you have a SQL Server, select the Use this server as default for MS SQL checkbox.
    4. Click OK.
  3. Return to the list of database servers (Tools & Settings > Database Servers)
  4. Select a check box corresponding to the database server that you no longer need.
  5. Click Remove.
  6. Confirm the operation and click OK.
If you want to teach that adding external database servers to Plesk, you can visit this article.
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